julia falcone

yelling about something


Immediately, with Yazida’s new EP #meant2b, it’s obvious she brings hyperpop to her level. Yazida is a singer-songwriter from Paris creating UK garage-inspired tracks, while…

miette hope

Originally from Colorado and now residing in Brooklyn, Miette Hope is in the city of dreams–or at least a borough outside of it. I spoke…

julia’s january faves

New releases for January is always a fun scavenger hunt. You get the chance to discover what era artists are coming into, setting the tone…

ode to miyazaki

written by: julia falcone, sidney parish, rachel liu, and laura reyes Hayao Miyazaki will forever be a household name in cinema worldwide. His style, characters,…

zach palmer

Zach Palmer is going to be your new tender lover boy. I found singer/songwriter Zach Palmer on TikTok, and he became my new obsession. His…

olivia dean

When lockdown happened, I needed to find ways to fill my time. It gave me all the free time in the world to really explore…


Succession has emerged as a show that mirrors a manner of living most of us will never experience. It portrays the opulent wealth and extravagant…

deb fan

Looking through Deb Fan’s Instagram, I was pleasantly charmed by her. Her allure came across as picturesque and distant with a Y2K aesthetic behind all…

falling into you – wynona

So many eras are making their comeback in music, and I’ve been longing for the 90s Britpop era to have its spotlight again. Bringing back…


I am a pop stan to my core. Whether it’s indie, bedroom, hyper, dance, classic and any other form of pop, I eat it up.…

april faves

April showers bring May flowers, but they also bring a blooming array of new music. I was especially lucky since a few of my favorite…

the last of us

-SPOILER WARNING- Last summer, I raved to anyone who looked my way about The Last of Us and The Last of Us 2, a video…

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