It’s Picnic Season, and We’ve Got the Perfect Playlist

As the weather warms and the days lengthen, the desire to bask in the warm air and sunshine intensifies. Flowers bloom, the warm air seeps into your skin, and sunsets become immaculate sights. What better way to celebrate and appreciate the lovely weather than by grabbing some blankets, packing your favorite snacks and beverages, gathering friends and loved ones, and enjoying a delightful picnic?

While the heat has unfortunately become quite oppressive where I am, this is still peak picnic season. Picture yourself surrounded by small cheese boards, thrifted glassware, and wicker baskets filled with wildflowers, all while dressed in your spring best—a phenomenal playlist is the final touch for a perfect picnic experience. I teamed up with our lead curator, Julia, to create a whimsical, warm, and carefree playlist to elevate your picnic. From chill and vibey songs like “Sexy To Someone” by Clairo and “hospital beach” by Cottonwood Firing Squad to more upbeat hits like “Classical” by Vampire Weekend and “Red Wine Supernova” by Chappell Roan, this playlist is sure to enhance your picnic experience.

take a listen to our picnic playlist here:

check out more new music here –

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