lyn lapid tour

lyn lapid tour in nashville

I stumbled upon Lyn’s music on the popular social media app, TikTok, just like countless others. However, what sets Lyn apart from the rest is her exceptional growth over the years. She has successfully established herself as a prominent figure in the indie pop scene and has managed to create a plethora of songs that deeply resonate with her listeners.

With my overwhelming love of each of her songs, I was beyond excited to have the chance to see her perform live in a concert setting. I was eager to witness the raw emotion and authenticity that I had heard in her music finally come to life on stage. And boy, was I not disappointed! The live performance was an incredible experience that left me feeling more connected to her music than ever before.

Take a journey with me on my experience of the show at the Exit/In in Nashville, TN.

ashley mehta

Ashley Mehta is a versatile musician who covers a range of genres such as indie-pop, R&B, and hip-hop. Hailing from the Bay Area, Ashley draws inspiration from her Filipino and Indian roots to create a unique style that is all her own. Her high-energy anthems and fun-filled melodies keep listeners entertained and engaged, making her music perfect for any occasion.

During the recent set of shows, Ashley had the opportunity to open for Lyn. Ashley’s performance drew in a crowd that shared similar interests with Lyn’s fanbase. This compatibility created a warm and welcoming atmosphere for the audience, making for a great set of shows. Overall, Ashley’s opening set laid a solid foundation for Lyn’s performance to build upon, resulting in an enjoyable and memorable experience for those who attended.

As I watched Ashley perform, I couldn’t help but notice how energetic and fun-loving she was on stage. Her ability to connect with the audience was flawless, and she seemed genuinely passionate about her music. Her enthusiasm was infectious, and it was easy to see how much she loved what she was doing. Among the many songs that she performed, my favorites were “Weekend” and “When I Ride.”

lyn lapid

Lyn is an incredibly talented artist whose soft and soothing vocals have the power to captivate any audience. Her lyrics are not only cute, but also deeply meaningful, and her dynamic performance leaves a lasting impression. I thoroughly enjoyed watching her show and was completely mesmerized by her talent.

As I watched her from up close, I couldn’t help but be enthralled by her presence. She stood tall and confident, with an air of poise and grace that permeated the room. Every move she made was deliberate and purposeful, as though she was completely at home on stage. It was clear that she had a deep passion for music and that performing was where she truly shone. Her energy was contagious, and I felt myself getting lost in the moment along with everyone else in the audience. 

After I had captured all the pictures I wanted, I found myself seamlessly navigating through the lively crowd, completely immersed in the moment. The energy was palpable, and it seemed like almost everyone was singing along to each and every song. Witnessing this level of participation and enthusiasm among the audience made the experience truly remarkable, and it shattered the misconception that gaining popularity on TikTok only leads to a fleeting, one-song audience engagement.

The camaraderie between the band members was astonishing, as they appeared to be not just professional colleagues but also great friends. The synchronization and coordination among each of the members were impeccable, resulting in a flawless performance that left the audience thoroughly impressed.

During the show, I particularly enjoyed watching performances of “Poster Boy” and “The Alternative.” However, I wasn’t familiar with the song “July” before attending the show. After watching the performance of this song, I was so moved that I went home and fully immersed myself in the extended edition.

Audience and atmosphere

The pre-show playlist featuring the likes of boygenius, Noah Kahan, and Olivia Rodrigo set the tone for what turned out to be an incredible show. The performance seemed to be primarily geared towards a female audience, but the age range of the attendees varied from teenagers to people in their 30s. The atmosphere was electric with an overwhelming feeling of love and support from the audience. It was heartwarming to see everyone dancing and singing along to every song. Overall, the experience was unforgettable and left a lasting impression on those who attended.

listen to both of them here:

laura reyes

Founder of Daybreak Music and lover of all music.

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