capricorn playlist

Hello, hello! Happy holidays, and welcome to Capricorn season! I hope everyone is having fun and spreading the holiday cheer, because we are now transitioning into the determined and ambitious spirit of the Capricorn.

During this time, the disciplined nature of Capricorn takes center stage, encouraging us to set meaningful goals, embrace responsibility, and cultivate a resilient mindset. I find it very fitting that New Years is just around the corner and takes place during the season of the Capricorn. They are very organized, hardworking, and take pride in everything they do with an air of seriousness and unwavering confidence. However, I find that Capricorns tend to lose focus on themselves and their emotions.

For this Capricorn season, I decided to highlight songs that never fail to unlock some sort of emotion, whether it is joy, sadness, nostalgia, or bliss. Now, I am not saying Capricorns are emotionless…I believe they tend to compartmentalize their emotions instead of just actually feeling them. This is coming from an Aquarius, so I can very much relate to this problem as well. This playlist is perfect for a cozy day in or taking a nice scenic drive. Take a listen and enjoy.

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