portraits of tracy – drive home

When I first heard “The Afterparty,” I knew this album would be a hit. Drive Home is an 18-track alternative album by Louisiana native Portraits Of Tracy, that follows the artist’s alter ego, Junie. Through monologues, music tracks, and skits, we learn about the trials and tribulations of Junie’s life. I try to not compare artists to each other because they’re all so varied and different. However, I just can’t help but see striking similarities between this album and Frank Ocean’s older project, nostalgia, ULTRA. She goes from rapping on tracks with the steadiness of a rock in “En Garde,” showcasing her vocals on tracks like “Found!,” and to performing skits like “8 Minutes,” where she’s having an argument before she has to go on stage. Each track brings us to the next chapter in Junie’s life.

Portraits Of Tracy has produced, written, and performed all the tracks on this record, an ingenuity that borderlines rarity. This album carries a fullness that I crave in music, whether it’s a simple chord played on repeat on the piano or the use of different synth plug-ins. This album instills all of that. I think this album can be listened to in two ways that can really emphasize the listening experience. In your car on a roadtrip, you’ll go through different phases with Junie throughout each track. The second option is with a really good pair of headphones and go on a walk for about an hour. Either option will give you an optimal way of listening. Yet, even just playing a song while on the train or while cleaning your room, you’ll understand why this project is so fluid and meant for all ears. With a creativity that feels like a never ending spark, I don’t think it can be extinguished–only ignited.

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