the idiot elif bautman

the idiot by elif bautman the playlist

As someone who is always reading a book or making a playlist, the thought of combining the two comes to fruition constantly. Earlier in the summer, I read a book called “the idiot” by elif bautman and rushed to spotify to find a playlist to fit my time reading the book. To my disappointment there was no playlists that I felt really fit the essence and time period of the book.

Although I rated this book three stars I was fully inspired to create a playlist inspired by the 90s academia vibe that reflected an unrequited love story. The main character spends the book desiring someone who truly is unattainable and fictional in her brain based on poetry they send back and forth via email.

From songs featured in the book to songs I believe that beautifully capture the meaning behind the book. This playlist has taken me a couple months to put together but I think it will truly allow you to step into the world of the idiot.

So here I am, creating a playlist I believe truly exemplifies the desperation, longing, nostalgia that is the idiot. Make sure to read the book along with listening to the playlist for the best experience.

linger by the cranberries

smells like teen spirit: nirvana

fade into you: mazzy star

the boy: the smashing pumpkins

criminal: fiona apple

fotzepolitic: cocteau twins

high and dry: radiohead

crush: ethel cain

walking after you: foo fighters

love: the sundays

high: slow pulp

laura reyes

Founder of Daybreak Music and lover of all music.

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