남동현 Nam Dong Hyun interview + concert Review

Electric. That is the feeling Nam Dong Hyun gives when he appears on the stage for his opening song. His energy charges the room and the audience with all kinds of emotions. Like a rockstar, he plays the drums alongside his drummer to open the show-showcasing his many talents and love for the composition side of music. His vocals and guitar playing permeate the intimate basement venue of Club FF in Hongdae, creating a completely different vibe than the club typically has on a Friday night. He opens the show with his latest album “( )”’s title track “Blind (feat. nongmil kim).” The lights and the sound match his passion perfectly, elevating his stage presence. Nam’s energy and performance effort put you in a trance. Most impressive is how much he dances around while still playing the guitar perfectly. This would only build from here.

Next, he performs his latest single “Driver’s License.” Micstand in hand, he grooves to the song with his drummer. As the music intensifies, he rips the mic from the stand and goes crazy. Jumping on the stage platform during the instrumental interlude. The once small audience now feels vast as the crowd matches his energy. 

Nam continues without a break and straight into the next song, which is a slower-paced fan favorite, titled “공전 (I Became A Star),” The audience sings along while he holds the mic out to them. What I love about his music is that each song’s musicality and tone are so unique. He incorporates a variety of instruments that would not usually come to mind as a pair. For example, I heard cello, synthesizer, and drums that mesh together beautifully, creating layers of emotion in the song outside of his lyrics and vocals.

The setlist is impressive. Nam also performs my favorite song of his, “대저택 (Luxury Big House)” following “공전.”

To my surprise, he begins to sing a cover of Coldplay’s “Viva la Vida.” It’s not unexpected that a skilled musician would have superb taste in music. It seems that Coldplay has had a significant influence on his music, as his compositions feature cellos and a distinct musical style.

He sings the refrain with the audience multiple times, backing just acapella; definitely a moment of genuine connection with his fans.

Suddenly the lights dim and he stands with his back facing us – fist in the air. The audience follows suit as he starts playing one of his fan favorites “해적이 되고 싶었던 소년 (A Boy Who Wanted to Be A Pirate).

Then he ends his set by covering BIGBANG’s “We Like 2 Party” giving an energetic closing performance. Before starting he takes a moment to teach the audience the words so everyone can sing along. After the show Nam Dong Hyun dashes upstairs to find himself surrounded by fans who adorn him with flowers and cards. Despite the number of people, he takes the time to greet and capture a photo with every single one of them. On top of that, he graciously thanks people for coming to his show.

We stood outside the club in the bustling streets of Hongdae where I was fortunate enough to interview Nam Dong Hyun. He seemed very nervous, insisting he wasn’t very good at English. I told him he could speak in Korean if he were more comfortable, but he said it was okay and proceeded to speak in almost flawless English.

Marbella: “What do you hope fans take away from your new music?”

[He hesitates before responding.]

Nam Dong Hyun: “I hope a lot of fans will come to my concert, maybe one million!”

M: “That is your hope for one day?”

N: “It’s not my hope it’s my dream, my big dream,” he smiles.

M: “What inspires you when you write your music?”

N: “Inspiration hm…” He thinks for a brief moment, “Traveling! When I am alone, solo travel.”

M: “Awesome!”

N: “Yeah I get inspiration from traveling alone.”

M: “Where do you like to travel?”

N: “Europe, London because it’s a music city and band city.”

M: “What’s your favorite aspect of performing?”

N: “I love playing guitar, also drums… but I can’t really play drums.”

M: “Really? You sounded great earlier!”

N: “No, no, no” he laughs, “overall I love playing instruments [when performing].”

M: “Are there any new instruments you are learning?”

N: “Cello, I have been practicing the cello as of late, but it is really hard.”

M: “Are there any new projects that you are working on that we may see in the near future?”

N: “Hm not yet… it’s a secret!”

I thank him for his time, and we take a picture together then get stuck in a “thank-you” battle as we say goodbye. All the artists I’ve interviewed in Seoul (so far) have been amazing, but experiencing Nam Dong Hyun in action at his show and interacting with his fans after really warmed my heart. Beyond his public persona as an artist, he is a genuinely kind and gracious individual with a plethora of talents. Nam Dong Hyun truly is the total package as artists go, and I cannot wait to see the new heights of success he reaches in the future.

“대저택 (Luxury Big House)” By Nam Dong Hyun Live at Club FF Hongdae
“Blind (feat. nongmil kim)” By Nam Dong Hyun Live at Club FF Hongdae

Marbella Bolognese

Marbella is a music business student at Belmont University, currently studying abroad in Seoul, South Korea. Beya focuses on covering international and indie music.

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