anna's july favs

july faves

I have a love/hate relationship with the month of July. I like to live in the pleasant realm of 50-70 degrees Fahrenheit, not 105 like it is right now. Luckily, there is a bounce to summer music that ties me over until the cooler months of the year. This month I found myself rediscovering my love of summer K-pop releases. There’s something so fun about the energy in summer music that allows you to take a moment and appreciate where you are in life right now. I’ll be honest, I’ve spent most of my July sitting inside and reading while listening to relaxing Nintendo youtube playlists (which I highly suggest as summer music to listen to), but for the music I did listen to, here are some of my favorites. Be sure to check out the full playlist on Spotify!

Beach Boy – BENEE

This is a song that I enjoy listening to at all times of the day. It’s not very picky-choosy. It’s soft enough that it’s great for your morning coffee, upbeat enough to spice up your daily drive and chill enough that it can keep you company at night. Indeed just an all-day, everyday type of beat.

Take My Love and Run – Bad Suns

Although a bit of an older song, this song is peak roll your windows down and feel the wind on your face. The way I recommend listening to this song (in order to get the full experience) is shaking your head “no” along to the beat while playing the air drums. I promise, doing this (not while driving) is the safest way to ensure a good time.

Rollercoaster – NMIXX

This song is a dream. NMIXX are one of my favorite artists because they aren’t afraid to do fun things with their music. This song isn’t a step out of the ordinary like their other songs, but it whisks you away into a whimsical dreamland. The sound of the song is very r&b at the beginning but quickly gets more upbeat. It’s a really beautiful song that’s been on my playlist nonstop since it was released. And of course, the special thing about new releases like this one is the fun choreography!

Just a Phase – The Band CAMINO

Recently I have really enjoyed the vibes of indie bands. There’s something about a drum set that is going to make me feel alive like nothing else will. Just a phase lyrically spoke to me at a time that I really needed it to but it’s also a song that is fun to drive to with the windows down. I highly recommend adding this to a car playlist!

Cherish and I AM – IVE

Lastly, these two songs headline as my favorite songs right now. IVE released their first full length album, “I’ve IVE”, with both songs on the track list. I AM is a bold statement saying “this is who I am.” The music video is stunning and it speaks to the regality of the group as a whole. Cherish on the other hand is the second to last song on this same album and therefore receives a lot less rotation. When this album was first released, I didn’t pay it much attention. I was a very casual listener of IVE, but this album and specifically, this song, made me absolutely fall in love with the whole album and the group. There’s not much more I can say about this song other than you have to listen to it so you understand why I lay on the floor and just absorb this song.

Those are my favorites of the month! I hope you get the chance to listen to one or some of them! If you like any of them leave a comment on our Instagram post with this article!

listen to the full playlist here:

anna koenig

Anna is a student and lover of music based in Indianapolis, IN.

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