
Succession has emerged as a show that mirrors a manner of living most of us will never experience. It portrays the opulent wealth and extravagant lifestyles that only a select few attain. With that life comes decisions that are fraught with tension and potential betrayal. Succession centers around the Roy family, owners of the powerful conglomerate, Waystar, and the TV network, ATN. Throughout the four seasons, we witness the relentless pursuit of power by patriarch Logan Roy, who stops at nothing to continue to build his empire.

His kids, at times, strive to step up the plate, with Kendall, Siobhan, and Roman all making their attempts, only to fall short in Logan’s shadow. They struggle to grasp that they each possess pieces of Logan but fail to comprehend the true magnitude of his influence. Succession has captivated us to the point of near obsession, coming up with memorable one-liners like “fuck off” to Kendall’s unforgettable rap dedicated to his father at his birthday party. In tribute to our beloved characters, we decided to make a playlist that highlights the intricate depths and complexities of their personalities. They will be missed.

Kendall Roy

We’ve heard Jay-Z plenty of times on the show, but I think they missed an opportunity to play “No Church In The Wild.” Kendall is the second oldest of the Roy children but tries to take charge as the leader. At times Kendall seems lost, wanting to do better than his father. In the end, no matter where he goes, he is stuck in his shadow. He wants to be outspoken and the better version of Logan Roy, the king, which is why I chose this song. Kendall is constantly trying to prove himself and really create an empire, mimicking JAY-Z, but he fails to realize he always had a kingdom. He was just too self absorbed to see it.

Roman Roy

The baby of the four Roy siblings. He is constantly trying to prove himself while also vying for good ol’ Papa’s love. His nickname for Logan, not mine. I envision Roman listening to “Sleep Now In The Fire” by Rage Against The Machine as a teenager to differentiate himself from the Roy name, but in the end,  he, like the rest of his siblings, will succumb to it. They can’t let go of their overly privileged, lavious, obnoxious lifestyle. I will say, I do find him to be the funniest of them all. His quips and smart remarks, even with his strange mommy issues will always make him stand out. Roman, like all Roy’s, want power and will do what’s necessary to stay where they are. 

Siobhan (Shiv) Roy

In my opinion, “Venom” by Little Simz captures the essence of Shiv Roy’s character in a remarkable way. The song delves into themes of self-confidence, resilience, overing obstacles, and the relentless pursuit of success–all of which resonate with Shiv being the only daughter in the Roy family. Shiv displays a strong sense of self-assuredness and assertiveness, driven by her ambition and the desire to surpass her brothers. The lyrics of “Venom” mirror Shiv’s determination to navigate challenges and strive to go above and beyond, making it a fitting representation of her character.

Logan Roy

I think “My Way” by Frank Sinatra is the perfect “fuck off” anthem for Logan Roy. Logan established himself as being stubbornly independent and being unaffected by criticism or outside opinions. He has meticulously constructed his empire on his own terms, displaying an unwavering desire for power and control. The essence of this song captures the spirit of defying societal conventions and blazing one’s own trail, while also highlighting Logan’s unshakeable, yet borderline terrifying confidence and assertiveness. I may have made Logan Roy sound like a kick-ass business boss, but he will always be an absolute asshole.

Connor Roy

Where to begin…the firstborn who somehow feels like the youngest. An ego complex which almost echoes his father’s but leans more towards childlike delusion. He’s trying to run for president with .01 % in polls. He’s used this childlike nature to let his siblings take charge and do all the work. Personally, he has it easy compared to the other Roy’s. In the end, because he’s a Roy, he has millions of dollars and a nice escort-turned-trophy-wife, Willa, who supports all his endeavors. With that, that’s why I chose “Father and Son” by Yusuf/Cat Stevens.

Tom Wambsgans

Oh, Tom. Some hate him, some love him. I’m personally a sucker for him; however, just like every other character on this show, he’s a horrible person. My favorite relationship of the show is his relationship with Shiv, and I find “Disappointing Diamonds Are the Rarest of Them All” by Father John Misty perfectly encapsulates their tumultuous dynamic. The song plays on the irony that something like a diamond can be considered precious, but ultimately, can still disappoint. The song delves into the challenges and frustrations of seeking genuine emotional connection and fulfillment, while also exploring the complexities of relationships and the disappointment that arises when reality falls short of expectations. Despite Tom’s use of Shiv for personal gain, I firmly believe (or believed) that he genuinely loved her, and this song captures those genuine emotions.

Greg Hirsch

The greatest meme to exist. One half of “The Disgusting Brothers” and cousin to the Roy siblings. He has slowly joined the ranks as the intern cousin who only got a job because Logan is his uncle. As a result, he is constantly overcompensating and over stepping, trying to fit in with the suits when he is still in sweatpants. I imagine Greg getting ready in the morning to “WHATS POPPIN,” rapping to himself in the mirror as a way to pump himself up for the day. Greg came in as the humility token but has slowly learned the slimy ways of Waystar and is staying for the long game. 

You can stream Succession on MAX and listen to our playlist below.

Thank you to Sidney Parish for her contributions to the article.

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