Lost in Translation in Columbus

If you have read my writer profile or seen it on the Daybreak Instagram stories, you know that the first artist on my favorites list is Valley. They’ve been on my list for the past 4 years and I finally got the chance to see them in concert at the Bluestone in Columbus, OH. 

Ontario natives, this Canadian band of four consists of lead singer Rob Laska, guitarist Michael Brandolino, bassist Alex Dimauro, and drummer/singer Karah James. Together, these four put their stories and experiences into their lyrics and melodies in a very relatable way.

Columbus was the last performance of their Lost in Translation North American Tour. They had been travelling for seven weeks in a bus all to land them in the middle of Ohio. Who would have thought that a small church doubled as an event venue. With the stained glass windows that let the light in on what was supposed to be a really rainy night, both Valley and their opener, Aidan Bissett, left it all out on the stage for their last night. 

Beginning with Aidan Bissett and his band, I hadn’t even heard of him before I went but when he came out in leather pants and a heart crop top, I was sold. The fashion sense sold me before the music even started but if being mesmerized by the drum patterns tells you anything about how I felt about their performance, I loved it. He was a great performer, always dancing to the music and having fun with his band. It was so fun to see Aidan, Grant (guitar), and Fionn (drums) consistently exchange energy by interacting with each other during the set. Whether it was Grant playing right next to Fionn or all three of them jumping up and down on the downbeats, their energy was contagious. 

Speaking of contagious energy, my favorite part of the opening was the last song. It was an energetic last moment when Valley joined them on stage with a beer pong table. Why, you might ask? No idea. When in doubt, play beer pong on stage. It was definitely one of the most fun moments, especially when Aidan finally made it in the cup right on the downbeat of the last chorus. Overall, all of them missed the cup more times than they made it, but it was a fun addition to the show and closing of Aidan’s set. 

Valley and Aidan Bissett play beer pong during last opening set

Lost in Translation, Valley’s upcoming album will be released on June 23. As Rob mentioned during a break in the set, there were a lot of questions about the timing of this tour. The answer is as simple as the decision should be: they missed performing. 

For me, the mark of a great artist is how they perform. I can always tell if you love what you have created based on how you present it. Valley loves their songs, they love what they do, and they love being on stage. There wasn’t a dull moment in the show. From MAYBE to Lost in Translation, they played classics, hidden gems, and upcoming releases. 

I got to hear my comfort songs like “Sports Car” and “Break For You” as well as the songs that got me into them in the first place: “There’s Still a Light in the House,” “A Phone Call in Amsterdam,” and “Park Bench.” 

One of my favorite things about this band is they keep you on your toes. Feurd, their guitar tech, would bring out a new guitar for Rob or Mickey to play every song. Karah would get up from her drums to sing “CHAMPAGNE” while Mickey took over on drums. Alex got his moment while singing the main part in one of their new songs. As a band they have the talent and ability not to be tied to their own instrument. All of them play more than one instrument which allows for versatility in their songs. 

Aside from the actual music, one of the things that stood out to me the most was their audience interaction. It’s obvious they love sharing their music with people and seeing others love it as much as they do. They often tried to step on the silver guard gates and lean over into the sea of people to get closer (proceed with caution because Rob fell off the first time). Another great moment was during “CHAMPAGNE,” Karah took the Pride flag and ran around the stage and then draped it around her back. June 3 sat right at the end of their tour but at the beginning of Pride month, so it was a really special moment for Karah to share with the LGBTQ+ fans in the audience.

Rob singing Paper Cup in the middle of the crowd

Lastly, one of the biggest things as an audience member for me was eye contact. Even through Rob’s tinted sunglasses I could tell he tried to make intentional eye contact with as many people as possible. All of them were so grateful that everyone showed up in a venue of the size and you could feel their genuine gratefulness by how all of them made eye contact with everyone. Not only does their music make you feel seen, but they also make you feel seen and appreciated. 

It was an amazing show and one that I will never forget. Whether you were screaming all the lyrics in the front row or just calmly enjoying yourself in the balcony, there was something for everyone. It was one of those experiences that you will appreciate if you’re a lover of music. You didn’t need to know all the words or even know all the songs. The greatest artists do more than sing and perform, they breathe the life of their music into you. As they said on stage, there is sure to be another tour coming in the future so if you end up checking out their music or tuning into the new album, I highly recommend seeing them live the next time they come somewhere near you!

anna koenig

Anna is a student and lover of music based in Indianapolis, IN.

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