
I am a pop stan to my core. Whether it’s indie, bedroom, hyper, dance, classic and any other form of pop, I eat it up. When I first listened to morgen, she hit the sweet spot. She made me love it all: her persona, lyricism, production, and style. Morgen is FUN. Her new EP, Bravado, gives you all of that and more. The songs from her EP range from slow songs about unrequited love like “Lilee,” to upbeat, in-your-face “sorry-not-sorry-but-kinda-sorry” songs like “Hammock.”

Lyrics like “practiced every word I said, you still cried in the end” and “when you called me your little sister at your friends house, and we both know that you meant it” make morgen’s music repeatable classics.

Bravado was an instant swipe right for me, and from this interview, it will be easy to see why. Morgen is charismatic, bubbly, and talented—a trifecta that is all too scarce. Aren’t we lucky?


Hi! How are you doing?


I’m doing really good thank you! Just took a shower so I’m feeling fresh and stank-free.


What was the first song you wrote that you knew you wanted on Bravado?


“Lilee” for sure. I knew from the first demo that it had to be on the project.


Is there a specific song that took a long time to write? Shortest to write?


Honestly I can’t remember which song took the longest, but I remember the easiest song to write was probably either “Mom Jeans” or “Lilee.”


What is your favorite part of songwriting?


I don’t think I have a favorite part. It’s all pretty sick, but what comes easiest are definitely melodies and chords…but now that I think about it, lyrics are probably my favorite because they’re the hardest to write, so when I get something I really like down on paper, it makes me feel so good.


How did you come up with the artwork for Bravado?


It was kind of dumb because I just took all the cover art from the singles and made it a big giant explosion out of my head. It’s giving like…Wikipedia type of brain usage on that cover art.


My favorite songs off Bravado were “Hammock” and “Lilee,” especially the acoustic snippet on Instagram. Is there a specific song from the EP that you love that has sentimental value or a story that is connected to it?


First off, so so glad you like “Hammock” and “Lilee.” Those are definitely two of my favorite songs I’ve written so far. The song on the EP with the most sentimental value is probably “Lilee.” I really love that song so much, and I talk about it all the time lol. But it’s the first song I feel like I actually said everything I needed to say. I also couldn’t stop listening to “Lilee” for MONTHS after I first made it, and I still enjoy the song to this day, even though I’ve listen to it a million times.


I love how you decided to use your name as your artist name. Was there a moment where you wanted to go by a different name? If so, what was it?


I thought about different names for a long long time. Most were pretty stupid like mojo (my middle name is Josephine) or like MJ…but nothing ever really felt right, and honestly, I feel like I’m already having an identity crisis as it is, so I definitely don’t need to add to that with a different name and persona for my artist project lol.


As an artist, what do you hope your audience gets from your work?


Hopefully whatever they need. Not to be vague, but yeah. I hope you get whatever you want from my music, you do you queen.


I know you just released an EP, but can we expect more from you in the future?


Honestly no, this is probably it…umm yeah, absolutely haha, I’m very much not done. Beware girlie pop, I’m coming out with new stuff ASAP 😉


Lastly, I have to ask – what’s your coffee or tea order?


Oh hell yeah, currently vibing with a nice iced matcha latte (and if it’s from Starbucks; 3 pumps brown sugar and whipped cream).

You can follow morgen on Instagram and TikTok. Bravado is streaming on all platforms.

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