grace gardner artist mixtape

A song that makes you feel nostalgic

1. There She Goes by The La’s 

the opening song of one of my favorite shows, gilmore girls, and a song i used to listen to all the time when i was young. such a good song to drive to & fall in love to! 

A song from your favorite artist of all time

2. You Make Loving Fun by Fleetwood Mac 

fleetwood mac is my favorite band of all time, and rumours is my favorite record of all time. i float around on which song off the album is my favorite, but i’ve been feeling really attached to christine mcvie lately, and i just love the feeling of this song. 

A sad song you listen to in every mood

3. With or Without You by U2 

my dad raised me to be a u2 enthusiast. i love the dynamic build and release of this song. i love the melody, i love the lead guitar, i love how this song makes you feel a very chaotic and activated kind of peace. 

Your favorite song from a soundtrack

4. Nothing to Remember by Neko Case (from the Hunger Games soundtrack) 

i was alarmingly into the hunger games, and my dad surprised me with the album. i naturally listened nonstop. it was unexpectedly captivating and still is. this song feels dissociative yet liberating. i love the textures in the production. i adore the lyricism. this song has carried me through so much. 

Your favorite song from an artist you think people should listen to

5. Emerson by Annie DiRusso

annie is the bee’s knees, and she puts on one hell of a show. this song sits heavy in my stomach, and i felt so gutted that it resonated so much with me. i love annie’s whole discography and this song is hitting especially hard. 

A song that you would yell

6. Mad At Me by Samia ft. papa mbye 

samia slays. her whole new album is flawless. no skip. i loved mad at me from start to finish and couldn’t stop listening for weeks after it first came out. this song has such a strong pulse and so much energy and emotion. i love it!!!! 

A song you are embarrassed you love

7. Shooting Stars by Bag Raiders 

i know this is a meme song…but it has such great dynamic direction. it’s so fitting for night drives with people you love. the second half of the song feels like flying head first in the best way. i’m only mildly embarrassed to listen to it as much as i do. 

A song from your favorite genre

8. Cheers by Faye Webster 

Whatever genre Faye Webster occupies is my favorite. Indie rock? But also folk and Americana touches? Julia Jacklin? Pedal steel? That’s my favorite. I have all the Faye records on vinyl, she’s been my favorite artist for a minute. I love how she weaves so many sonic influences together. 

A song that you love that has come out recently

9. Gimme Back My Soul by Medium Build 

I first heard Be Your Boy a while ago and was immediately hooked. When Medium Build put out his most recent EP, I was so captivated by it for so many days and couldn’t stop listening. I still can’t. My favorites rotate, but this is my current favorite from the project. So much good music has come out recently! 

Your favorite song you have written

10. Parcel by Grace Gardner

I feel really proud about the lyricism in this one. I love the rhymes and how the structure of the lyrics drives the instrumental forward. It feels so different from what I’ve released, and it really aligns with the direction I want to take my work in. I’m so excited for it to come out and to keep playing it live 🙂 

laura reyes

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