charlotte ryan

Charlotte is a musician and writer based in Liverpool, UK.

drop cherries – billie marten

Billie Marten’s Drop Cherries is a quiet love story. A romance hidden in nature. In her words, “it’s for anyone who didn’t think that love existed, ’cause I certainly didn’t.” Released in April 2023 via…

V – unknown mortal orchestra

I first started listening to New Zealand based indie group Unknown Mortal Orchestra when I was about sixteen. Their 2015 release, Multi-Love, was one of my first exposures to the idiosyncrasies of…

afterlife – juliana madrid

Dallas artist Juliana Madrid’s latest release, ‘Afterlife,’ encapsulates whimsy pop existentialism. Her approach to crafting her sound is similar to label-mates; Christine and the Queens, Charlie XCX, and Tove Lo, to name…

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